Halloween is just around the corner, and it’s important to think about what candy you plan to give out to trick or treaters each year. And it turns out, where you live may play a big role in what candy you hand out.
A new report by Instacart reveals America’s candy preferences by state, analyzing last year’s purchase data from their platform.
Overall, chocolate is the most popular choice, with 84% of shoppers buying chocolate to give out to trick or treaters.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut M&Ms are the top Halloween candy choices, with eight of the Top 10 being chocolate treats.
Top 10 Halloween Treats
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Peanut M&Ms
- M&Ms
- Snickers
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate
- Twizzlers
- Kit Kat
- Twix
- Starburst
- Milky Way
The country is pretty much split between Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut M&Ms.
Massachusetts falls into the Reese's camp as does the rest of New England, except for New Hamsphire, where regular M&Ms rule!