Do You Have A Best Friend?

A new survey by Evite found that it takes the average person four years of knowing someone before they can be considered a "best" friend. The survey also found that the average person needs to go through four different experiences with a friend before they consider them a best friend.

Top 10 Things People Say They Must Go Through With a Friend Before Becoming Best Friends:

  1. Go through a traumatic experience -- 40%
  2. Go on vacation -- 34%
  3. Road trip together -- 34%
  4. Talk on the phone -- 33%
  5. Showing loyalty/having each other’s back -- 32%
  6. Ask/give advice -- 29%
  7. Do something spontaneous together -- 28%
  8. Text at least once a day -- 27%
  9. Invite them to every party you throw -- 25%
  10. Stay up until the early morning hours just talking -- 25%

Top 10 Things People Would Be Willing to Do for Their Best Friend:

  1. Bail them out of jail -- 43%
  2. Travel across the country -- 42%
  3. Keep their secret(s) -- 35%
  4. Lie for them -- 33%
  5. Stay up all night -- 27%
  6. Spend more on a gift than anyone else -- 26%
  7. Take their place in jail -- 25%
  8. Willing to drive insane amount of hours -- 25%
  9. Miss work to spend time with them -- 24% (SWNS)

Photo Credit: Getty Image

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