Dad Dresses Differently Everyday to Home School His Daughters

Kentucky father, Matt Nestheide, is really stepping up to home school his daughters. They're little and they're at home. So is Matt. So is his wife. For a lot of families this has meant coming awfully close to lawyering up, but not in the Nestheide household. One day Matt is dressing as Guy Fieri to teach a cooking class, the next he's Bob Rossi teaching an art class.

Matt's wife, Traci has been faithfully chronicling the whole thing on her Facebook page and the story landed on Good Morning America. it all on her Facebook page and the story has even appear on Good Morning America. One day he's Guy Fieri and teaching a cooking class, the next he's Bob Rossi teaching an art class. Just imagine all the happy little trees.

So Matt, even though you're making the rest of us parents look like slackers we present you with our highest honor, the standing slow clap.

Photo: iStockphoto

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