The Drive-In May Be the Way to Go the Movies This Summer

With new ownership at the Northfield Drive-In and the Mendon Drive-In ready to open, it seems like this may be the way people get back to watching movies somewhere other than there own living room. In Northfield the new owners have plans to continue social distancing. There will be touchless payment, and no service inside the snack bar. They're even doing commencements for two area high schools.

Meanwhile, in Mendon, the Andleman brothers have written an open letter to Governor Baker hoping to open sooner than later. They've promised to make certain changes to business as usual to keep patrons safe.

If you haven't been to the drive-in lately, be sure to give it a try. You can get out of the house, support a local business, and be safe and sound all at the same time.

Photo: Getty Images

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