Chicopee High Schools Hold Modified Graduation Ceremonies

Both high schools in Chicopee held modified graduation ceremonies for seniors. Students arrived in cars a few minutes apart with their immediate families. They then got the chance to hear their name read and cross the stage and receive their diploma. The whole event will be edited down by students and shown on local cable on June 4th, the date that would have been the actual commencement.

The school's administration, faculty, and parents made a group effort to make this happen and mostly were pleased with the results.

Photo: Getty Images Europe

You can send a shout out to your high school graduate by texting us at 82945! Just start with the word "Studio" and continue your message with their name and where they go to school. We'll give them a shout out at 8:40 every morning!

Although seniors still will miss out on some of the traditional rites of passage like prom, senior day, and their graduation parties, this was a great way for the families to at least get to see their kid in their cap and gown walk and get their diploma. And so, you guessed it, the standing slow clap.

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