Summer Camp May Be Online This Year

Summer is coming, and for most kids (and parents), the coronavirus is likely putting an end to summer camp. Moms and dads are looking for ways to keep their kids entertained this summer.

Just like with work, and cocktail hours, and visits with family, it looks like virtual is the way to go. Several startups are now offering virtual programs that are a sort of cyber summer camp. Here's a few examples.

  • Happy Camper Live offers all the summer camp staples, like a canteen, a camp store, free activities, and daily broadcasts, including a 41-episode webseries with a recorded camp experience.
  • There’s also Camp Supernow, which offers kids “cabins” in groups of six to ten for ages five to 11, that gives kids the experience of having bunkmates. There will also be counselors, virtual field trips, nature walks, crafts, camp songs, and more.

Cyber camp is a lot cheaper than traditional summer camp. Supernow, parents pay $100 a week for an hour of activities each day (although the first week is only $85). PLUS, children of healthcare workers can attend for free.

Photo: Getty Images

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