Is Karen a New American Girl Doll?

These days there's no shortage of videos of “Karen” doing something ridiculous. Karen is stopping families from leaving parking lots, Karen is getting in fights with other shoppers because they refuse to wear a face mask in a store, and of course Karen wants to speak to your supervisor. Now someone has created a mock ad for a fake American Girl Doll named Karen that’s quickly gone viral. (Caution: salty language in ad here.)

The doll “ad” was shared on the Facebook page Adam The Creator. It introduces Karen as the “2020 Girl of the Year,” wearing a purple tracksuit and pushing a shopping cart while not wearing a face mask and holding a handgun.

It’s obviously a parody and many people found it hysterical on social media. But American Girl didn’t seem to see the humor in it and responded to comments from those who didn’t get it as a joke to assure them that they “are taking the appropriate steps to ensure this is removed.”

Photo: Getty Images North America

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