Stray Dog Snags Unicorn Stuffy in the Sweetest Way

An adorable thief was rewarded for repeatedly trying to steal a purple unicorn from a Dollar General. The store in Kenansville, North Carolina, called animal control because Sisu, a large male stray dog, had come in five times to steal the same stuffed purple unicorn.

He might not have gotten away with it, but the animal control officer who came to pick Sisu up also bought him the toy before taking them both to the shelter. Duplin County Animal Services posted photos on Facebook of Sisu cuddling his favorite unicorn and his story went viral.

“This is what happens when you break into the Dollar General consistently to steal the purple unicorn that you laid claim to, but then animal control called to lock you up for your B & E and larceny, but the officer purchases your item for you and brings it in with you,” the post reads. And in this case? Being a famous criminal paid off. Sisu and his unicorn were adopted just a day later.

Photo: Getty Images Europe

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