Bride Taps Strangers for Her Bridal Party

Alexis Coffey and her husband Donovan just moved to Texas at the end of January, so they hadn’t been able to meet many new people in the area yet because of COVID. She says people often lose touch with their bridesmaids over time, and she figured “why not make them strangers from the beginning?” So that’s exactly what she did - she asked women she saw around the neighborhood, met through her photographer and met on Bumble BFF to be her bridesmaids. And they accepted!

She ended up with five bridesmaids - one of whom she asked to be in the wedding just two days before the nuptials. The women provided their own dresses and didn’t even meet each other until the rehearsal dinner! According to the newlyweds, the best part of the experience was watching a group of strangers come together and making new friends. And Alexis has no regrets about her last-minute bridal party, she says they were all so supportive, and adds, “It was like we’ve been friends for years.”

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