5 Young Men Save Neighborhood From Dangerous Fire

A fire broke out in a Mesa, Arizona, neighborhood, but everyone got out safely thanks to the kindness of strangers. Annie Osman was watching TV with her husband last weekend and they had no idea their neighbor’s house was on fire and the wind was blowing the flames toward their house until some good Samaritans stopped to warn them.

A witness recalls seeing five young men stop their cars and start running toward the fire. Cindy Flabland says they “bolted across the road” and jumped fences heading “straight toward the barreling smoke and flames.” Neighbor Lola Owens says the group went door to door, to make sure everyone got outside. They were yelling for everyone to get out and Osman says, “If we hadn’t got out when we did, we wouldn’t be here today.”

Owens says two of the men helped rescue and transport her three dogs and pet pig to safety. And the Osmans were able to escape safely before the blaze destroyed most of their home.

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