America's Most Hated Bugs

People hate bugs and insects so much that 69% of people say they can’t sleep if they know one is in their house. They lose an average of 36 hours of sleep due to this fear. 60% of people have gone so far as to say they’d want to burn down their house if they saw a bug. 64% believe bugs only exist to cause folks itchiness and pain, and serve no positive purpose.

So, which insect to people hate the most?

  • Well, not surprising, it’s a cockroach, with 39% of Americans saying they hate them.
  • Other hated bugs include:
    • Spiders (37%)
    • Ants (29%)
    • Mosquitos (28%)
    • Termites (28%
    • Ticks (25%)
    • Bees (15%)
    • Wasps (14%)
    • Hornets (9%)
    • Centipedes (8%)
    • Worms (5%)
    • Gnats (5%)
    • Yellowjackets (5%)
    • Ladybugs (4%)
    • Cicadas (4%)

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