People Love Checking Reviews Before Booking A Trip

A new survey finds:

  • 67% of Americans say they are “obsessed” with scouring reviews before booking a vacation.
  • In fact, more than half refuse to book a vacation without doing so.
  • On average, a person reads 17 reviews before booking a trip.
  • 48% admit they worry about booking a rip without seeing other travelers’ opinions first.
  • A third say they’ve lost sleep over it.

But we all know too well reviews aren’t always reliable.

  • 46% of people say they’ve been letdown by reviews left by a stranger.
  • 75% say false reviews have led to fights with those they’re vacationing with.
  • Still, 72% still trust strangers’ reviews. 

And when you are spending good money on a trip there’s a lot of pressure for it to be a good one.

  • The survey found that this year the average person will spend $4,849 on vacations, up $325 from last year.
  • But it sounds like not everyone enjoys the process of booking their trip.
  • 58% say they find all the choices and research that needs to be done “overwhelming” and “stressful.” 

Source: SWNS Digital

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