Amber Heard's Side of the Story Waaaaay Different From Johnny Depp's

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Johnny Depp’s defamation trial against Amber Heard continued yesterday with testimony from a couple of her friends, her sister, and her makeup artist. Testimony was emotional, riveting, and sometimes damning.

Amber’s makeup artist testified about her injuries. She also detailed how she’d have to cover them when she was shooting.

Raquel “Rocky” Pennington described the injuries that Johnny allegedly inflicted on Amber. In a recorded deposition played for the jury, she said she saw a series of “very, very long, deep” cuts on Amber’s forearms. Those, along with similar injuries on the actress’ feet, were visible when she got back to Los Angeles from Australia in March 2015. She was emotional as she described her fears for her former friend’s physical safety.

Joshua Drew – another friend – said he’d heard Johnny yell at Amber, but never saw him actually abuse her.

Amber’s younger sister, Whitney Henriquez, took the stand. She said she felt like Johnny was a brother and admitted that they’d done coke together. But she shared that there was always a fight when he was high. She also witnessed him grab her sister by the hair and hit her in the face repeatedly.

During cross-examination from Johnny’s lawyers, Whitney – who lived with them during the marriage – was asked why she supported her sister when she wanted to stay in the relationship despite the abuse she witnessed. “That's really oversimplifying something that's far from simple,” she testified. “Again, Amber was very much in love, so was Johnny. She's telling me that she wants something. Whether or not I agreed to it or not, whether or not I was okay with what was happening, it wasn't my place.”

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