Mom Of New Born Twins Can't Tell Them Apart, Turns To Police

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A mom in Argentina recently turned to the police for help for a surprising reason. Panic set in for Sofia Rodriguez when she realized she couldn’t tell her newborn twins, Valentin and Lorenzo, apart. She never thought she’d get the boys confused because Valentin always wore a blue ribbon on his wrist, but when it looked too small for him, she cut it off.

Unsure of how to tell the two-month-old babies apart, she called the cops. “Tomorrow I have to go to the police to have my twins fingerprinted so they can tell me which one is which,” Rodriguez recently tweeted in Spanish. "I won the 'Mother of the Year' award.”

Unfortunately, she says those prints “did not look very defined,” so the mom says Argentina’s National Registry of Persons will identify the boys using their fingerprints. And according to psychologist Dr. Joan A. Friedman, Rodriguez is definitely not the only mom to experience this. "Identical twins look much alike, especially at birth," she explains. "Excluding a difference in weight, birthmarks or other obvious identifiers, it can be difficult to tell them apart, especially when parents are anxious, stressed or sleep deprived.”

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