Woman Walks At College Graduation While In Labor

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A Michigan mom-to-be didn’t let a little thing like labor stop her from getting her college diploma. Kelsey Hudie was 38 weeks pregnant when she walked the stage at graduation from Henry Ford College on May 6th, and she was already dilated. Thankfully, the school moved her up in the order of recipients so she could make it to the hospital in time to give birth.

Addressing attendees at the commencement ceremony, Henry Ford College President Russell A. Kavalhuna shared what Hudie told him before graduation. “I’m going to walk across that stage despite the fact that I’m 38-weeks pregnant, I’m dilated, and I can’t wait for you, Russ, and your friends to talk for an hour and a half, so I need to graduate quickly,” she said.

Hudie was allowed to sit on the stage, so she “didn’t have to walk up and down a million sets of stairs,” at graduation. She says she doesn’t usually like to “make a big show about things,” but since the college was willing to accommodate her, she figured “why not?” And less than 48-hours after graduating, Hudie gave birth to her daughter, Nylah.

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