Couple In Florida Adopts 6 Siblings From Foster Care

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During their first date, Dustin and Daniel Johnson were relieved to learn that they both wanted to have children one day. Neither of them could have guessed at the time that just a few years later, they’d be the proud fathers of six children. After a couple of years of dating, Dustin and Daniel tied the knot in 2020, and instead of opting for surrogacy to start their family, they enrolled in pre-adoption classes.

More than anything, the Tampa couple wanted to provide a safe and loving home for kids in need in their community. They made it clear to the adoption agency that they were open to adopting older kids and sibling groups, who are sometimes harder to place. “Daniel and I are both close with our siblings,” Dustin explains, “We knew how much it would hurt to be separated from them when we were growing up.”

Earlier this year, the Johnsons got their wish to start a family when they adopted six siblings who had been separated for the last three years and were living in five different foster homes at the time. Now 11-year-old Reid, Amiyah, 10, Izayah, nine, Kaelix, seven, Cade, six, and three-year-old Roslin are all part of their family. Dustin says it’s been a challenge for the children to adjust to their new home, but they’re all doing well in school and, with help from therapy, growing into a tight-knit family.

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