Tips On How To Stay Connected To Your Partner

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A lot of couples struggle to keep the romance alive after kids because it’s hard to find time to connect with your partner like you did before becoming parents. Life gets busier and there’s less time for dates, plus hiring a babysitter can be so expensive, it’s just not an option for some couples.

Getting creative can keep the passion going and help you feel closer to your partner. These ideas can help you do it and they don’t require a babysitter.

Play hooky - If your kids are old enough to go to preschool or school, call in sick at work and spend the entire day with your boo. Sure, holding on to your PTO is important, but keeping your relationship healthy is, too.

Have a living room campout - If your kids are young, wait until they’re in bed and build a fort in the living room. You and your partner can talk, watch movies, get frisky or whatever you feel like doing together and it’ll be more fun than another at-home date because you’ll be in a blanket fort.

Order a date night subscription box - Take away the mental load of coming up with a date idea and let a subscription box do it for you. There are many options to choose from, like The Adventure Challenge, that has categories to choose from with a monthly date night box.

Have a no phone evening - Whatever you have planned for the evening, just make it a phone-free night so you give each other your full attention.

Go outside - Set the kiddos up with a movie or activity inside, then you and your S.O. slip out to the backyard or porch and enjoy talking without being interrupted, at least for a few minutes.

Take advantage of nap time - When everyone’s home on the weekends, use your child’s nap time to hang out and connect with your partner.

Eat the dinner you want to eat - Feed the kids and put them to bed, then order exactly what you grown-ups want to eat. You’ll get to talk, enjoy a good meal together that you didn’t cook and bonus- there won’t be as many dishes to clean up.

Get up early - Take the time when you can get it, even if it means rising early to sneak some time together before the kids wake up.

Leave each other love letters - When you’re seeing each other less than usual, write special notes for each other and leave them to find around the house. Talk about romantic.

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