California Assemblyman Files Bill To Make Bigfoot The State Cryptid

Photo: VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Science Photo Library / Getty Images

An elected official in California wants to make his state a little more “squatchy.” Assemblyman Chris Rogers from Santa Rosa has suggested a new bill, AB 666, to make Bigfoot the state's official "cryptid." A cryptid is a creature like Bigfoot that some people believe exists but hasn't been proven by science.

Rogers thinks this idea will boost tourism, especially in Northern California, where many Bigfoot sightings have been reported. He also believes it will celebrate the state's unique folklore and the mystery surrounding this legendary creature. It’s not as unlikely as you think…the Augustnolophus morrisi is the official dinosaur of California, and no one’s claimed to see one of those in a while.

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