The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Houston Middle School Promotes Acts Of Kindness

Desks and chairs arranged in classroom at high school

Photo: Maskot / Maskot / Getty Images

All the students at Houston's C. E. King Middle School are eager to earn a chance to visit one classroom in particular: they call it the RAK room, short for Random Acts of Kindness room. In the RAK room, students can exchange points they earn for being good students for prizes like T-shirts, sneakers, and basketballs.

The room is the brainchild of Treveia and David Dennis, cofounders of Houston Random Acts of Kindness. The couple say they designed the RAK room to resemble a store, hoping to get students excited about being good citizens. C.E. King principal Edward Taylor says the RAK room motivates students to be on their best behavior and ultimately do better in school. Since the RAK room’s debut, Taylor has noticed a sharp decrease in classroom disruptions.

The project is supported by sponsors like Live Enhancement Services of Texas and the school is always looking for more sponsorships so the room can be well stocked for all 13-hundred students. Ultimately, they hope that every student can earn a trip to the RAK room for their good deeds and hard work.

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