The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Middle Schooler Comes to Her Bus Driver's Rescue

If you thought Foxwoods was the only thing in Ledyard, CT, you're mistaken. Just the other morning middle schooler, Ava Boenig, may have actually saved the life of her bus driver, Randy Centeno. When pulled the bus over and started shouting that he needed help, the seventh grader took quick action.

“He stopped the bus, it wasn’t anybody’s stop,” Ava explains. “He was screaming in pain, ‘help me, help me, somebody call 911!’”

Ava pulled out her phone and called 911, remaining calm as she talked to the dispatcher. Within four minutes, an EMT arrived to help the driver, who is now recovering and very proud of her.

Photo: Getty Images North America

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