The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Its Teacher (Extra) Appreciation Week

Teacher Instructs Remotely From Empty Classroom

Teachers are heroes, pure and simple. They deserve our respect and our support. They also deserve gifts. But why an apple for the teacher?

Back in the day (waaaaay back) apples didn't even taste like they do today and were mostly used to make hard cider. So if every student brought an apple for the teacher that could mean a jug of the stuff to relax after dealing with all those kids!

These days we've all come to realize more than ever what a tough job teachers have. So for their dedication, expertise, patience, and love...the standing slow clap.

Teachers have always put in long, hard days. These days it's even tougher. What's it really like? Check out this video diary.

Photo: Getty Images North America

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