The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Sad, Cheeseless Woman Gets No Sympathy on Twitter

Jason Vicknair tweeted a picture of his despondent wife waiting for cheese for her fajitas in a restaurant while they tried (and failed) to enjoy their first date night in over three months.

""My wife after 3+ months locked up on quarantine," he tweeted along with a pic of his wife and a table of food. "Waiting for shredded cheese as it's the only way she can eat fajitas. We've asked 4 people, going on 18 minutes now. Just unreal. We gotta quit blaming "COVID!9 for crappy service."

Twitter was not having it! There was so much backlash that the tweet has been deleted, but Jason is still getting the business with tweets like 'You see my wife has this condition. The only way she can eat fajitas is with cheese. Doctors say it's not fatal but there's no cure." So many tweets, so many memes, so little cheese.

Photo: Getty Images

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