The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


103 Woman Get Her First Tattoo

Dorothy Pollack recently turned 103 and these days she’s busy crossing items off her bucket list. First up?Getting a tattoo!

When she celebrated her birthday on June 16th, Dorothy was stuck in a nursing home in Muskegon, Michigan, where she was in isolation for months during the pandemic. Her family couldn’t visit her and she can’t hear well, so phone calls weren’t a good way for them to communicate. Nurses told her loved ones that she was really depressed, and they needed to get her out, so when she was released from the nursing home, they did.

Out of the blue Dorothy decided she wanted to get a tattoo of a frog. She says her grandson tried to talk her into getting inked a few years ago, but she wasn’t game. But last week, she rolled up her sleeve and sat patiently as she got her first tattoo, which she “absolutely loves.” After checking that off her bucket list, Dorothy moved on to her next must-do experience - getting a sweet ride on the back of a motorcycle. And she’s not slowing down as she plans her next adventure.

Photo: Getty Images North America

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