The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Zito Didn't Wear Pants to His Son's Wedding

Zito's grown son and daughter-in-law are still going to have a big party in the spring (they hope) but they had a brief ceremony on Saturday and they are officially married! Mozel Tov! Parents of the bride and groom, a couple of uncles and aunts, and a friend or two all gathered via Zoom to watch the happy couple pledge their love and fidelity in front of God and everybody.

So what was the dress code? Zito went with business extremely casual. A dress shirt with no tie (it was a Florida wedding after all) and a nice matching jacket. And sleep shorts. Oh, and slippers. Yeah, since he was sitting on the couch and no one could see him from the waist down, ya know.

Zoom weddings are happening. This isn't Zito's kid's, but it's sweet.

Photo: Getty Images

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