The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Four Men Tried To Fire Bowling Balls Out of a Cannon, May Have Been High

4 guys in New Jersey were busted while planning to shoot bowling balls out of a cannon, sending a bomb squad rushing to the site. 43 year-old Daniel Galloway and 3 of his buddies were spotted dragging an old school cannon through a field attached to his pickup truck Saturday night. Someone nearby reported a loud explosion and cops arrived soon after. The police searched the truck and found fireworks, a box of a powdery black "explosive chemical," and bowling balls The men said they wanted to shoot bowling balls out of the cannon, but didn't say why.

The cops also found marijuana, two glass pipes, and liquid THC in the truck. Dude. Seriously. All four men were charged.

Photo: Getty Images

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