The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Easthampton Superintendent Search Takes Another Weird Twist

School classroom in Japanese high school

Photo: Getty Images

After Dr Vito Perrone's offer to be the next superintendent of schools in Easthampton, Mass, was rescinded, the school committee there offered the job to Erica Faginski-Stark of Ludlow.

Not long after some students at Easthampton High School sent a letter to the committee about their concerns over a Facebook post they found disturbing. The FB account appears to be deleted, but a screenshot of the post is available here.

The committee informed Ms.Faginski-Stark of the letter and told her they'd be investigating further. Soon after, the latest candidate withdrew from consideration. Back to the proverbial drawing board for the committee.

And what about Dr Perrone? Yes, he says he's still interested in the job!

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