The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Texas Couple Surprise Each Other With Double Proposal

Woman Receiving Marriage Proposal

Photo: Getty Images

Austin couple, Stevie and Joey, went to play some miniature golf this weekend with Stevie’s sibling and some friends and the outing took a wonderful turn. On one of the holes, Joey gets down on one knee and asks her partner to marry her.

In response, Stevie says, "I have something for you," and proceeds to pull out a ring and propose back to Joey. Stevie reveals they had intended to propose later that day, "but here we are!" Both parties happily accepted each other's proposals.

Stevie's sibling shared a video of the heartwarming moment online. They expressed happiness for the couple, saying, "Stevie has been through a lot in life and I am so happy that they were able to find love, with someone who loves them just as much."

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