The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Hot Tips For Teens Looking For A Summer Job

Girl working in bakery looking away smiling

Photo: Getty Images

This school year is almost over and teens across the country will soon be looking for ways to earn money during the summer. Searching for a job can be frustrating, even for those of us who have done it many times in our lives. But for teenagers who are looking for their first job and don’t really have experience yet, it can be even more challenging.

If your high school student is ready to find a job this summer, these are some recommendations to help put them in a position to have a positive work experience.

  • Search for jobs in a variety of ways - This includes online job boards, newspapers, in person and on company websites. Networking is also helpful, so reach out to anyone you can introduce them to personally.
  • Consider the work they’re interested in or have the skill set for - If your teen wants to be outdoors, then a retail job probably won’t be the best fit. Talk to them about the conditions, pay and hours that would be ideal for them.
  • Review your state’s child labor laws - Including the hours of work that are allowed depending on when school is in session and what’s permissible for their age group.
  • Avoid jobs that would compromise their values - If the job doesn’t align with their values, keep looking. There are bound to be other options that would.

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