WATCH: Adorable Viral Video Leads To Cat Adoptions

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A viral TikTok video posted by an employee at Wayside Waifs no-kill shelter in Kansas City, Missouri, has led to almost every cat in the shelter being adopted. In the video, which has racked up over 1.6-million views, employee Tera goes around to several of the facility’s “feline care techs” asking for their recommendations of cats with certain traits. The lighthearted video has really resonated with cat lovers all over the world.

Tera first approaches Carrie and says, “Recommend me a cat,” and then has her pick a slip of paper out of a bowl which reads, “a cat that loves to cuddle.” Carrie then leads the camera over to Corduroy, a gray cat that the cat tech claims is “quite the cuddler.” Tera then asks other employees for recommendations of a cat with cattitude, one that’s low maintenance, and other cats with “pawsitive” attributes.

Wayside Waifs communications manager Casey Waugh says the idea of the video came from one of their feline care techs and everyone at the shelter was surprised by the global attention the post has gotten. The post has received thousands of comments from cat lovers from all over and a few people who admit that they didn’t like cats too much before the adorable video, but now they’re converts. A couple of days ago, Wayside commented on the post that all but two of the kitties had been adopted. But it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Treva and Hank had found forever homes since then.

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