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Granny's Lost Wallet From High School Returned After 70 Years

After nearly 70 years, a woman has been reunited with her lost wallet. Ester French was 16 or 17 when she dropped the wallet in the school gym back in the 1951-52 school year and Poquoson City Public Schools in Virginia found it in the rubble when the building was torn down as part of a renovation project.

The 85-year-old recalls being upset after she knocked the wallet off a ledge in the gym and it fell down into a hole that “went deep into the building.” When it was found recently, it was in pretty rough shape after all these decades, but it had some clues that led school officials back to her, including two faded photos and a little blue address book.

The school district was able to track down the former student, even though she’d long since gotten married and changed her name, and has lived in Connecticut since 1957. “When I heard about it I couldn’t believe it,” French says, adding that it has brought back a lot of fond memories of her high school days.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

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