The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito

The Morning Show with Zito


Easthampton School Superintendent Search Derailed By The Word "Ladies"

angry woman asking you talking to me, mean me

Photo: Getty Images

Former Easthampton High School Principal, Dr. Vito Perrone, says the school committee offered him the superintendent job back on March 23. They sent his contract via email and during a back and forth thread negotiating some of the terms, two of the women on the committee say he referred to them as "ladies," which they say is a micro aggression. They rescinded the offer.

Dr. Perrone has offered to apologized saying that he felt this could be a "teachable moment." There was a protest outside the school in support of Perrone and at least one school committee member (a nice lady) says she supports hiring him.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we are at an impasse. Perhaps Dr. Perrone could get together for a casual conversation and drinks at a local bar on ladies night.

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